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Judy Christensen, OEA-Retired

OEA-Retired Stay Involved • Stay Invigorated • Stay in Touch •

We're the organization that continues to fight for public education and for your rights in retirement. We can do more together than any of us can do alone.

About OEA-Retired

The Oregon Education Association-Retired (OEA-Retired) is the NEA affiliate for retired OEA members. Since its inception, OEA-Retired has been affiliated with NEA-Retired, Oregon Education Association and National Education Association.


OEA-Retired provides OEA retirees an opportunity to collectively work toward preserving PERS benefits, enhancing health care, assuring the strength of public education, and providing social activities for our members.

OEA-Retired works on issues unique to retired educators and with other senior organizations on related retirement issues.

Terri Domenigoni, OEA-Retired
We retire from our jobs, not our profession.
Quote by: Terri Domenigoni, Retired elementary teacher, Oregon City

Events & Travel

OEA-Retired organizes a wide variety of events throughout the state during the year. We also coordinate group travel opportunities, both domestic and international. Join us on an adventure, and make new connections and gain new insights along the way.

Upcoming Events & Meetings:

October 6 & 7
Mt. Hood Oregon Resort
Welches, Oregon

Annual Assembly Registration

The OEA-Retired Equity & Social Justice Book Club invites you to read and discuss the books below. Discussions begin at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom on the given dates. If you wish to join us, please email Bobbi Yambasu at [email protected] to receive the Zoom link.

April 25:        The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by  
                       Isabel Wilkerson

June 6:          Survival Math by Mitchell S. Jackson

July 18:          Learning from the Germans, Race and the Memory of Evil by Susan Nieman

A group of OEA-Retired members stand smiling together at a rally. They are all dressed in red, with many shirts that say, "I stand with students." In the background, one OEA-Retired Member holds a sign that says, "OEA-Retired supports Today's students. If not now...when?!"
I worked for 31 years and was active in the Union most of those years. I knew I would miss the people and the events that I had participated in, so I have found a way to continue those associations.
Quote by: Judy Christensen, OEA-Retired Member

Leadership & Governance

Learn more about our current leaders, how our organization operates, and run for office within OEA-Retired! 

Our leaders and delegates represent retired educators throughout the state during their term, and beyond.

Governing Documents

Learn about the rules and procedures governing our work.

OEA-Retired Bylaws

Bylaws are the regulations used to govern the business and affairs of our organization. They contain our most basic rules of organizational conduct and establish how we may conduct our business.

OEA-Retired Policies

Policies provide guidance for our day-to-day work and decision making. They are governed by our bylaws, and usually provide greater detail for how to implement our work.

OEA-Retired Board Policies

Board policies outline the roles and responsibilities of our Board of Directors, and provides additional instruction for meetings like the OEA-PAC Convention and the OEA-Representative Assembly.
An American flag and a Black Lives Matter flag are raised on a flag pole by several pairs of hands. The hands visible include people of multiple races.
OEA-Retired believes in the dignity and humanity of all people, and we envision a world where society and its systems . . . are just, fair, and inclusive.
Quote by: OEA-Retired Board, Statement on Racial Equity, September 21, 2020

OEA-Retired PrimeTimes

Catch up on what's been happening with OEA-Retired by checking out the most recent issue of our member newsletter, the OEA-Retired PrimeTimes, and by browsing the PrimeTimes archive.

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Oregon Education Association logo

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

The Oregon Education Association (OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA represents about 41,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA’s membership includes licensed teachers and specialists, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), community college faculty, retired educators, and student members. OEA members also belong to the 3.2 million members of the National Education Association (NEA).