Systemic and institutional inequities, especially in matters of race, remain significant barriers for people and communities working to reach their full potential.
OEA-Retired believes in the dignity and humanity of all people, and we envision a world where society and its systems—education, employment, a legal system which ensures justice, stable housing in safe communities, and health care—are just, fair, and inclusive.
With the energy generated in this current time, our members will make the commitment to participate in efforts to initiate the long overdue changes that will bring the elimination of the inequalities that have plagued society for far too long. We stand in support of Black Lives Matter and in solidarity with them and with the other groups who strive for a healthy and prosperous society that promotes equitable access and opportunity for all.
We recall the words of Bishop Desmond Tutu: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” We will not be neutral.
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