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Our Endorsed Candidates

OEA members live in every community in Oregon, and are eligible to vote in every election up and down the ballot. We are the strongest force for public education and democracy in Oregon.
Delegates to the 2023 NEA RA hold up signs saying Education Votes

Any candidate running for political office in Oregon can seek the endorsement of the OEA Political Action Committee (OEA-PAC). Educators gain insight into a candidate's legislative priorities through candidate questionnaires and through candidate interviews. Using this information, local educators take votes to endorse a candidate based on their pro-public education credentials. 

The OEA-PAC is the endorsing authority for Oregon's legislative and statewide elections and the NEA-PAC is the endorsing authority for candidates running for federal office, including the US House, the US Senate, and President.

2024 Presidential Election

2024 Presidential Election: President Joe Biden

Joe Biden headshot

For the 2024 Presidential election, NEA has endorsed President Joe Biden for re-election. 

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2024 Oregon Statewide Elections

Oregon Secretary of State: Tobias Read

tobias read headshot

For the 2024 election for Oregon's Secretary of State, OEA has endorsed Tobias Read.

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Oregon State Treasurer: Elizabeth Steiner

elizabeth steiner headshot

For the 2024 election for Oregon's State Treasurer, OEA has endorsed Elizabeth Steiner.

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Oregon Attorney General: Dan Rayfield

dan rayfield headshot

For the 2024 election for Oregon Attorney General, OEA has endorsed Dan Rayfield.

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2024 Oregon Federal Elections

Oregon's 1st Congressional District: Rep. Suzanne Bonamici

suzanne bonamici headshot

For the 2024 election in Oregon's 1st Congressional District, NEA has endorsed Rep. Suzanne Bonamici for re-election.

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Oregon's 3nd Congressional District: Eddy Morales

eddy morales headshot

For the 2024 election in Oregon's 3rd Congressional District, NEA has endorsed Eddy Morales.

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Oregon's 4th Congressional District: Rep. Val Hoyle

val hoyle headshot

For the 2024 election in Oregon's 4th Congressional District, NEA has endorsed Rep. Val Hoyle for re-election.

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Oregon's 6th Congressional District: Rep. Andrea Salinas

andrea salinas headshot

For the 2024 election in Oregon's 6th Congressional District, NEA has endorsed Rep. Andrea Salinas for re-election.

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Oregon's 2nd Congressional District: No Endorsement

The OEA-PAC may consider revising their endorsement recommendation following the May primary election.

Oregon's 5th Congressional District: No Endorsement

The OEA-PAC may consider revising their endorsement recommendation following the May primary election.

2024 Oregon Legislative Elections

First Last Senate House
Pam Marsh 05th District
Lisa Fragala 08th District
David Gomberg 10th District
Julianne Fahey 14th District
Lesly Munoz 22nd District
Benjamin Bowman 25th District
Courtney Neron 26th District
Kenneth Helm 27th District
Susan McLain 29th District
Nathan Sosa 30th District
Shannon J. Isadore 33rd District
Lisa Reynolds 34th District
Farrah Chaichi 35th District
Julianna Walters 37th District
Daniel Nguyen 38th District
Annessa Hartman 40th District
Mark Gamba 41st District
Tawna Sanchez 43rd District
Willy Chotzen 46th District
Emerson Levy 53rd District
Jason Kropf 54thDistrict
Kate Lieber 14th District
Wlnsvey Campos 18th District
Katherine Pham 23rd District
Anthony Broadman 27th District
Join thousands of your fellow Oregon educators in contributing monthly to OEA-PAC and make your voice heard!
several hands hold completed ballots. An orange background with large blue letters spelling "VOTE"

Make Your Vote Plan Today!

Use the link below to confirm and update your voter registration, request an absentee ballot, sign our pledge to be a pro–public school voter, and more.

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

The Oregon Education Association (OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA represents about 41,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA’s membership includes licensed teachers and specialists, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), community college faculty, retired educators, and student members. OEA members also belong to the 3.2 million members of the National Education Association (NEA).