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Yellow Flower

Member Spotlight

Our Members Make a Difference
Across the country and overseas, in all professional roles and career stages, NEA educators and allies make our schools and communities worthy of our students.

Result List

Member Spotlight

Diane Hicks

"I believe systemic and institutional inequities, especially in matters of race, remain significant barriers for people and communities working to reach their full potential."
Member Spotlight

Thuynga Barr

"From my personal experience, I have a very short little advice in this regard: develop a very thick skin, do not trade your authenticity for approval, remember who got your back and connect with them often, and immerse yourself in nature as much as you can."
Member Spotlight

Niels Pasternak

"Equity is about giving extra attention and support to the people who need it the most. It is about uplifting people and rejecting Hierarchy’s of Human Value, discrimination, and racism."
Member Spotlight

Lourdes Cruz

"Equity is a responsibility we all share. We need to encourage and support our colleagues and each other so that our systems can be better and we can do better."
Member Spotlight

Timisha Wilson

"I believe that every child and every educator is capable of learning and teaching! No matter our ethnicity, culture, lifestyle, or background, there is something to be learned and there is something to be taught."
Member Spotlight

Nedra Miller

"My stance on equity starts with the famous quote from Brandon Odums, 'We are our ancestors' wildest dreams, but we don't know that unless we know what our ancestors went through.'"
Member Spotlight

Kellen Akiyama

"I feel like my entire teaching career is rooted and sustained by personalized, multi-cultural, and socially-conscious curriculum."