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2025 Oregon Budget Committee Testimony Toolkit

Use our toolkit to submit your testimony to the Oregon Joint Ways & Means Committee, the committee tasked with developing Oregon's budget. This is our best chance to tell lawmakers how critical new investments in education will be for the upcoming budget.
Rally at the capitol

About the Ways & Means Roadshow

Every two years, the Ways & Means Committee of the Oregon legislature hits the road and travels across Oregon to hear directly from voters about what should be funded. 

These legislators are the deciders of Oregon's budget so this is our best opportunity to make our voices heard and demand more funding for k-12 schools and community colleges. Each stop will have the opportunity for folks to testify. 

Even if you would not like to testify, showing up in your local or OEA swag so that we can have a visible presence will make a huge impact.

Our Key Issues

Oregon educators are advocating for a host of changes to public education aimed at improving the lives of students, families, and educators but our top three priorities for the 2025 legislative session include:

  1. Fully funding special education
  2. Pay parity for part-time faculty at Oregon's community colleges
  3. Class size and case load as a mandatory subject of bargaining for all Oregon schools

Learn more about our top three priorities by reading our subject backgrounders.

Text reading "Fully Funding Special Education"

Special Education Funding

Learn more about OEA's legislative requests relating to special education.
text reading "pay parity for part-time community college faculty"

Pay Parity for Part-Time Faculty

Learn more about OEA's legislative request for pay parity for part-time faculty.
text reading "class size & case load: a mandatory subject of collective bargaining for all schools"

Class Size & Case Load

Learn more about OEA's legislative request for class size and case load.

Submit Written Testimony

We encourage everyone, including folks who plan to attend a listening session in-person, to submit written testimony to the Joint Ways & Means Committee.

You can use OEA's testimony tool below, and OEA will ensure your testimony is submitted to the committee. Complete as much of the form as possible to ensure your individual voice is reflected in the testimony.

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Oregon Education Association logo

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

The Oregon Education Association (OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA represents about 41,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA’s membership includes licensed teachers and specialists, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), community college faculty, retired educators, and student members. OEA members also belong to the 3.2 million members of the National Education Association (NEA).