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Videos & Articles

Focus on Native Americans and Indigenous People Worldwide

For November 2022, we pair three videos, one podcast, and two articles in support of Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples worldwide.
Published: November 2022


  • IWGIA report The Indigenous World 2022: United States of America - The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) follows and reports on the situation of Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Every year they publish a global report with detailed country reports. This is the report for Indigenous peoples with the continental US including Alaskan Natives.

  • National Day of Mourning turns Thanksgiving into something more honest by Brian Tensley. Sections of this story were published in CNN’s Race Deconstructed series. This brave, provocative article starts with “There’s little similarity between the actual harvest feast in 1621 that eventually inspired Thanksgiving and the event’s commemoration in popular culture.”


All My Relations Podcast hosted by Matika Wilbur (Swinomish and Tulalip) and Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation). This hip Native podcast explores Indigeneity and all of its complexities and explores relationships–to land, place, to people, to non-human relatives, and more. Some provocative and powerful episodes include: Decolonizing Sex, Indigiqueer, Native Appropriation, Love in the Time of Blood Quantum, Food Sovereignty: A Growing Movement and more!

Why These Native Americans Observe A National Day Of Mourning Each Thanksgiving | HuffPost

In America’s indigenous communities, the Thanksgiving holiday is a reminder of loss. HuffPost visited Plymouth, Mass., to speak with the United American Indians of New England as the group plans their annual National Day of Mourning.

Broken Treaties (Full documentary) | Oregon Experience | OPB

For thousands of years, more than 60 Native American tribes lived in Oregon's diverse environmental regions. At least 18 languages were spoken across hundreds of villages. This civilizational fabric became unraveled in just a few short decades upon contact with white settlers in the 19th century. In this ""Oregon Experience"" OPB documentary, Native Oregonians reflect on what has been lost since and what's next for their tribes.

Winona LaDuke - Seeds of Our Ancestors, Seeds of Life | TEDxTC

Winona LaDuke is an internationally renowned activist working on issues of sustainable development, renewable energy and food systems. She lives and works on the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota. As Program Director of Honor the Earth, she works nationally and internationally on the issues of climate change, renewable energy, and environmental justice with Indigenous communities. In her own community, she is the founder of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, where she works to protect Indigenous plants and heritage foods from patenting and genetic engineering. A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, LaDuke has written extensively on Native American and environmental issues. She is the author of five books, including Recovering the Sacred, All our Relations and a novel, Last Standing Woman.

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