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Martial Law Declared over KKK Violence

October 17, 1871
Published: July 31, 2023


President Grant declared martial law in nine counties in South Carolina on October 17, 1871. Earlier in the year, he had signed into law the Ku Klux Klan Act which made it a federal crime to deprive American citizens of their civil rights through racial terrorism. The writ of habeas corpus was suspended to bypass biased White judges. 600 Klansmen were eventually jailed. More than 200 were indicted, with 53 pleading guilty to crimes and 5 more found guilty at trial. While a significant moment, racial violence targeted at Black people continued long after martial law had been lifted. 


  • They Called Themselves The KKK - Susan Campbell Bartoletti. A YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults Finalist. Newberry Honor-winning author Susan Campbell Bartolleti has written a book filled with chilling and vivid personal accounts unearthed from oral histories, congressional documents, and diaries to tell the story of how this secret terrorist group took root in America’s democracy.

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