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Anniversary of the Rosewood Massacre

January 5
Published: May 9, 2023

After a White woman wrongfully accused Jesse Hunter, a Black man, of assault in 1923, local White men launched a manhunt and lynched another Black man, Sam Carter, for allegedly assisting Hunter’s escape. After several nights of tension and violence between the Black and White residents of Rosewood, FL, on January 5th, a mob of 200-300 White men went on a rampage, killing 30-40 Black men, women, and children and burned the town to the ground.

  • Virtual Rosewood - Rosewood Heritage & VR Project. This website explores the history of Rosewood, FL. Black feminist thought and intersectionality guide the interpretive aspects of the project. This includes discussing the ways interpersonal, structural, and symbolic violence connect historical events such as race riots to modern forms of social inequality in the US. The website includes lesson plans for high school, updated 3D/VR experiences, and an hour-long PBS documentary.

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