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Member Letter

HB 2948: "My practice as a nurse should not and cannot be directed by someone with no nursing experience"

OEA member Amanda Bickford testifies in support of HB 2948, a bill that provides that only a registered nurse may supervise a nurse in a school setting with respect to the practice of nursing.
Submitted on: January 28, 2025

Submitted Testimony

Date: 1/28/25

Name: Amanda Bickford, OEA Member, Mollala River Education Association

Committee: House Committee On Behavioral Health and Health Care

Bill: HB 2948

Position: Support

As a nurse working in a school district, my supervisor is a doctor, but not the doctor a nurse would normally work with. A PhD in Education does not have the background or frame of reference to direct nursing practice, and in fact, my supervisor relies heavily on my department to let her know what the legal and practical implications of our nursing practice decisions will be. 

As nurses we must operate within the law as well as within our scope of practice and these decisions can still be challenging with over 17 years of Registered Nursing experience. 

My practice as a nurse should not and cannot be directed by someone with no nursing experience.

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The Oregon Education Association (OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA represents about 41,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA’s membership includes licensed teachers and specialists, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), community college faculty, retired educators, and student members. OEA members also belong to the 3.2 million members of the National Education Association (NEA).